Your current windows may seem like they are more than adequate at serving their intended purpose, but how sure are you about that? The windows might appear as if they are functioning at the same level as when they were first installed, but the reality is that you may be paying a whole lot more to keep them installed without even knowing it.
That’s because older windows can begin to lose energy efficiency. Some might have single panes of glass or there could be cracks or gaps in between the frame and the house or even where the sash meets the jamb. These gaps might be so miniscule that you probably wouldn’t even notice upon first glance but they are there, allowing your climate-controlled air to seep outdoors.
Even worse, those same cracks and gaps might be allowing moisture to get in. It could be precipitation trickling into your home or dampness from a humid evening. Either way, too much moisture can lead to water damage that may become widespread if left unattended for too long. You better believe those kinds of repairs won’t be cheap.
We’re not even talking about the additional money you’ll spend on your utility bills. If the air is seeping out through your thin window glass or cracks and gaps that might have developed over time, you are going to be forced to run your HVAC system for considerably longer periods just to stay comfortable in your home.
Moisture damage and higher monthly bills are both prime examples to suggest you may need to take a look at your windows and see if they are still operating to your standard. So how do you assess the current windows in your home and what is it you’re looking for when you do? These are two very important questions that your local replacement window dealers Fredericksburg, VA want to help you answer.
After you make the determinations as to the condition of your windows, you can then take the proper action to fix the issue. This might mean getting repairs done or you may need to replace windows all together. In any case, you should get started on assessing your windows as soon as possible, that way you can save more money sooner.
Close Examination
You’re going to want to take a good long look at the state of your windows because they are made up from a combination of integral components that are designed to work together. If even one piece is not working properly for any reason, the window could prove inoperable.
So take the time to inspect each and every window in your home thoroughly. Do it first when the window is closed. Take care in checking the window panes, the frame, even the caulk that was applied to seal any cracks or joints that might cause problems down the line.
No crack or gap is too small and anything you might come across that may be allowing air or moisture to pass from indoors to out could become much bigger and more significant.
The glass panes are also an essential aspect of the inspection process. Sure you can ascertain and conform whether your windows contain just the single pane or if they have multiple layers, but you can also do a close observation to find any cracks or fractures in the glass. These too may also put your energy efficiency as risk in the same way a crack in or near the frame might.
Proper Operation
Next thing you need to do is try operating the windows to ensure that they are functioning correctly. So try to open and shut them a couple of times. They should move easily and, more important, they should close firmly with a tight seal established. If the window isn’t functioning as it should, you will need to fix the problem.
The common issues with windows that are having problems with normal functionality are ususally focused on the frame of the window, the sash, or the operational mechanism that moves the window to and fro. Check to see if the rails or track on which the window moves is free of dirt and any obstructions. You may need to grease the rails or track with a lubricant to keep things moving nice and smooth.
The same goes for the sash and the operating mechanism. If your windows are open and shut with a crank, for example, and that crank is not turning correctly, you might need to lube it up. If that doesn’t work, it could be a bigger problem that will need a professional’s touch.