Dr Brian Blick: What To Expect When Going To A Pain Management Specialist


Pain management specialists aren’t just for athletes coming back from a major injury. They are also for people who are dealing with chronic pain every day. A pain management specialist is a doctor that can analyze the source of your pain and create a plan to reduce your pain, not just manage it.

Understanding what to expect when you go to a pain management specialist will help you feel more prepared and less scared. If you’ve been dealing with regular, everyday aches and pains for longer than 3 months consistently, then it might be time to see a specialist like Dr Brian Blick. Here are some things that you should know before seeing one.

An Evaluation

There are many types of evaluations that your doctor may recommend. You may be asked to do lab work. You may also be asked to see a physical therapist and have an MRI. You may have to do a few different tests before your doctor can make a diagnosis.

You may be asked to do this evaluation before they start any kind of treatment plan. Your doctor may also recommend this evaluation after they start treatment. An evaluation helps your doctor understand the source of your pain. It helps them create a treatment plan that works best for them.

Medication Options

Medication is the first treatment people think of when they think of pain management. The type of medications that you’re prescribed will depend on the source of your pain.

These medications can be used to treat chronic pain in many different ways. They can be used to reduce the amount of pain you feel. They can also be used to treat the source of your pain, which would be very helpful in the long run.

NSAIDs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are very common and easy-to-find over-the-counter medications. NSAIDs are often prescribed after an injury. They help reduce inflammation in your body and help with the pain.

Opioids are a little more serious and not something that should be taken lightly. These are typically prescribed after surgery. They are great for treating pain, but they come with a risk of addiction.

Anticonvulsants are typically used to treat epilepsy and mood disorders. They have also been proven to help with chronic pain. Topical medications are applied to the skin. They are great for localized pain. Lastly, neurostimulation is a procedure that uses electricity to reduce pain.

Other Treatment Options

When medication doesn’t work, your doctor may recommend other treatment options. They could prescribe you physical therapy. They could also recommend a form of surgery or even psychotherapy.

Physical therapy is often used after an injury to help with the healing process. It can also be used to help manage chronic pain. Physical therapists can help design exercises to help with the source of your pain. They can also help you reduce pain naturally by improving your posture and increasing your mobility. Surgery can sometimes be the last resort for pain management. Many different surgeries can help with the pain. They can also be used in combination with medications. Lastly, psychotherapy is often used alongside medication. It can be used to treat the root cause of your pain. It can also be used to help you learn how to better cope with your pain.