Benefits Of Watching Pornography (Including naked girls, BDSM, Etc.)


Many people say that porn is out there to ruin relationships and the intimacy couples hold for each other. There is also the claim that porn equates to violence and modern-day slavery. And how can we forget the claim about porn destroying one’s sexual response when the right time comes? People should know that porn is merely the object that addicts and abusers (the people they are referring to, by the way) use to satisfy themselves.

Nothing is ever so black and white. If that is the case, porn can slip into addiction, like how recreational drugs will turn you into a drug zombie. And truth be told, many people subscribe to sex not because it’s a mindless default but because porn is an instant fix to some things that need to happen. Instant gratification is not always a good thing, but it benefits people who might need it for a short while. Such is the case for many people.

  • On unrealistic views

When people say that porn only makes people have unrealistic expectations about sex, is it not the same case with mainstream television shows? Marketing and commercials commit the same, and people do not seem bothered by it much. There is the question of double standards when it comes to this claim. However, debunking things is not the purpose of the article

The benefit of watching porn, however, is that it does not breed insecurity, but sexual satisfaction. When someone sees a marketing ad or commercial, they feel insecure to the point that they want to buy that product, and that is the point. However, porn is more like the product that you bought because the marketing told you so, which brings you satisfaction.

  • Different positions

Sexual positions are also creative. And it boosts the intimacy and sexual anticipation that one gets. You see naked girls, but that is not where everything ends. You get to enjoy the fact that you can get something from the porn that you’re watching, and that the porn with the most satisfying sexual position might just be something you would want to learn.

  • Self-exploration

You cannot just default into your sexuality based on your private parts. Many people reported having experienced a sense of finding out who they really are through porn. They found themselves looking for same-sex porn videos, instead of the standard heteronormative porn content.

And when you only find out that you’re not as sexually attracted to a sex than you think you are, which means you only got to watch porn for the first time when you are old already, then it might be hard to come into terms with your real identity, which can be shattering to you as a person and maybe to your loved ones as well.

  • Self-stimulation, even if you are in a relationship, is good

Porn brings a sense of urge to masturbate. Just because you are in a romantic relationship does not mean you cannot enjoy yourself watching porn all by yourself.