Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon in Houston  


If you’re looking for a plastic surgeon Houston has more than its fair share. With demand for plastic surgery on the rise, with the total number of U.S. cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the U.S. rising from 17,444,699 in 2017 to 17,721,671 in 2018, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it is more evident than ever that men and women across the country are acting to enhance their natural physical beauty. But how do you know which plastic surgeon Houston offers is the right one for you?

Schedule a Consultation

The first step is getting to know the Houston plastic surgeon who will perform your procedure. The best way to do this is by scheduling a consultation. Use this as an opportunity to get to know the surgeon who will perform the procedure, learn about that surgeon’s approach to cosmetic surgery, and decide how well you, personally, like the surgeon and the approach he or she takes to plastic surgery.

Our plastic surgeons believe in offering individualized services because every person is unique with specific desires, expectations, and needs from the plastic surgery process. More importantly, we are committed to your physical and emotional safety throughout the procedure and dedicated to creating safe, favorable outcomes for all our patients.

Use your consultation as an opportunity to ask questions. Learn all you can about the procedures, the surgeons, and what kind of results you can expect from plastic surgery in Houston. It is important that you are comfortable with your plastic surgeon and trust the safety of the process and the results he can provide.

Make sure you work with a surgeon that can offer you realistic expectations of what plastic surgery can accomplish. To accomplish this, we use advanced technology in the VECTRA 3D imaging system to provide realistic expectations of the results you can expect from your cosmetic surgery procedure.

We believe this is important so that you go into the surgery with realistic expectations of the outcome and results and to ensure that everyone is on the same page about exactly what you want from the procedure.

Why Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery for Houston residents isn’t always about aesthetics. In fact, it rarely is. It is usually about something deeper. For some people, it’s about removing obstacles, even obstacles that exist only in your mind. For others, it is about achieving a goal. For some people, though, it’s about restoring something that was lost. Accidents, fires, and illnesses can be massive damage to the body and spirit. Cosmetic surgery can help to restore both.

We believe that our cosmetic surgery practices help give Houston residents hope, restore confidence, break barriers, and feel beautiful.